Philosophers and psychologists have done much to make people wiser and happier. However, so far no cure has been found for one property of human nature: simple and clear explanations have less value than convoluted and complex ones. As a result, even after obtaining experiential evidence for the truth of a simple thought, we may not heed it. So again and again we will use the good old-fashioned way: repetition. Here are twenty psychological paradoxes that everyone is well aware of, but constantly forgets about.paradox

Paradox examples

1. People who don’t know how to trust can’t be trusted

Sometimes we strangely protect ourselves: by hurting ourselves so that they do not hurt us. It is the same with trust. To avoid being deceived, you can’t trust or invoke trust in anyone. This disastrous approach to relationships can destroy many things.

2. We can’t stand people with the same flaws we have

Carl Jung believed that the traits of others that disturb us in them are a reflection of our own. Freud called it projection. It’s time to look at ourselves dispassionately and objectively: Why am I irritated by this or that flaw in another person?

3. The more we try to impress others, the less impressed we are.

It’s probably a matter of being fake and insincere. Bad actors only bring a smile and bewilderment. Their words, thoughts, and deeds are not in harmony.

4. The more frightening something is, the more necessary it is to do it

List your fears. Perhaps it’s the fear of talking to an attractive person, speaking in public, finding a new job, or starting a new business. These things are scary precisely because they need to be done.

5. The more we fail, the more likely we are to succeed

Here you can insert a quote from almost any genius or successful person, from Thomas Edison to Michael Jordan. Success is made possible by improved skill, which in turn would not occur without frequent mistakes and failures.

6. The more we fear death, the less we enjoy life

Psychologically, any fear paralyzes the desire to enjoy and be happy. The fear of death is one of the most powerful.

7. The more we know, the more we realize that we know nothing

Socrates’ dictum will never be forgotten or questioned for a simple reason: every time we come to a deeper understanding of things, it generates dozens of new questions.

8. The more connections and acquaintances, the greater the feeling of loneliness

We all have only 24 hours in a day, and man is not immortal. A large number of acquaintances and friends leads to the fact that all relationships become superficial. Not enough time to devote to all.

9. The less we care about others, the less we care about ourselves

This may seem somewhat contradictory, but practice shows that if we behave badly to others, we don’t take care of ourselves. Whether we destroy our souls or our psychology, depends on what you believe.

10 The greater the fear of failure, the more likely failure.

Science has not yet substantiated the mechanism of self-fulfilling prophecy, but we all know that it works. It works both positively and negatively.

11. the more accessible something is, the less valuable it is

Human nature is unchanging: if something is scarce, it seems more valuable. Accordingly, not thanking fate for what is available is also part of it. And yet it can be learned.

12. The more we force ourselves, the harder it is to reach the goal

When we think that it will be difficult, this thought transforms and penetrates the subconscious. The phrase “it will be very difficult” should disappear from anyone’s life. Because it will be curious, interesting, and exciting. It’s all about the perception of any event.

13. The best way to find your other half is not to look for it.

We love strong and independent people, that’s why we are so drawn to them. A self-sufficient person seems confident and whole. Don’t desperately look for the love of your life, develop yourself and enjoy simple companionship – such unobtrusiveness is much more attractive.

14. The closer we want to be to a person, the more we alienate them.

This approach breeds jealousy, which leads to a commitment to love, feel, and be faithful.

15. Sincerity in admitting our own mistakes causes others to feel we are perfect

Vulnerability is striking: it is worth pointing out our mistakes, and we begin to appear strong and great.

16. The more choices we have, the less satisfied we are with each one

When we make a choice, we automatically give up another option. And the more choices, the stronger the feeling that more is lost than gained.

17. The more we argue, the less likely we are to convince

Everyone has such a painful thing as ego. And when it is pinched, we tend to deny even the most reasonable considerations. The best way to convince – do not to argue and allow the other person to realize that he has come to this opinion.

18. The more convinced we are of something, the less we know

The lack of conviction is that our opinions are based on facts that may change over time. A self-confident person will not check outdated facts.

19. The only certainty is that nothing is certain

There are thousands of factors that can change opinions, the world, politics, the financial system, psychology, and human relationships. However, it is possible to feel “in your skin” about a state of certainty if you treat it with irony and curiosity.

20. The only constant in life is change.

A philosophical thought with scientific justification.

We wish you the best of luck!