Hall tests – testing the properties and characteristics of products, conducting tastings.
The hall test methodology allows for a detailed study of the consumer properties of products from various brands through testing the convenience and design of packaging, concepts, perceived price, or taste.
Most often this technique is used when it is necessary to demonstrate product samples to the customer, recreate a real product shelf, or test the organoleptic properties of the product (including taste). This is an effective tool for studying product features and benefits and getting direct feedback on product characteristics.
The benefits of hall tests
- Availability of specialized premises in passable main streets;
- Availability of necessary equipment for tasting (refrigerators, freezers, electric stoves, dishes, etc.);
- Possibility to conduct tastings in Europe (in most major cities).
Peculiarities of hall tests organization
Choice of methodology. The choice of survey approach depends on the goals and objectives of the study. Usually, the following varieties are distinguished:
- Blind testing – in this case, the name of the product being tested is not reported, and respondents express their feelings and perceptions. As a rule, this type of testing is used when the brand image may influence research results;
- Open test – respondents are aware of the product being tested (brand name, manufacturer, the packaging is demonstrated, etc.);
- Comparative hall test – during the study respondents are asked to compare several products with similar quality parameters;
- Evaluative hall test – respondents are asked to evaluate the quality parameters of only one product.
Site and equipment: It will be effective if you choose premises near potential or actual consumers – the target audience. For the test, closed rooms, where respondents cannot be influenced by external factors, are suitable. Depending on the type of product to be tested, different equipment is required: refrigeration, freezing equipment, heating electric equipment, utensils, and hygiene and disinfection equipment.
Product: The study refers to the types of testing with direct contact when the respondent in the course of the survey examines the features of the product, and its packaging, evaluates the name, brand name, advertising message, and the level of perception of the properties of the product. The subject of the study is most often food products, medicines, and repair goods.
Toolkit: The questionnaire for the Hall Test includes questions about the product and is tailored individually depending on the objectives. One interview usually lasts 15-20 minutes. The average length of the questionnaire is 25 questions.
Respondents: Careful selection of appropriate respondents is critical to obtaining accurate test results. Recruiters are responsible for recruiting respondents for hall tests. Screening questionnaire questions are used to select respondents for testing, and professions – psychology, sociology, marketing and advertising, media, and professions that directly overlap with the research topic – are also restricted.
Results processing
The success of launching a new product on the market depends largely on the accuracy of the test data obtained. Professionally conducted hall test research will allow to exclude or minimize the risks for the manufacturing company. All test results and their interpretation are presented to the customer of the research in the form of an analytical report.