
Digital marketing is an essential tool for businesses looking to promote their products and services to a larger audience. With the rise of digital platforms, it’s more critical than ever to understand the best practices for paid promotion on social networks like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit. In this article, we’ll guide you through the required image sizes and character limits for posts on each platform.

digital marketing
  1. Google:

Google Ads is an excellent tool for businesses looking to promote their products and services. With over 3.5 billion searches per day, Google Ads allows businesses to reach a massive audience through paid promotion. Here are the image sizes and character limits you’ll need for Google Ads:

  1. Text Restrictions:
  • Headline: The maximum number of characters for the ad headline is 30 characters.
  • Description: The maximum number of characters for the ad description is 90 characters.
  1. Image Restrictions:
  • Ad Images: The recommended size for ad images is 300 x 250 pixels, 728 x 90 pixels, or 160 x 600 pixels.
  • Image File Types: Google Ads accepts JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP file types for images.
  • Image Content: The ad image cannot contain any prohibited content, including adult content, illegal products or services, and misleading content.
  1. Video Restrictions:
  • Ad Videos: The recommended size for ad videos is 640 x 360 pixels (16:9 ratio).
  • Video Length: The maximum length of a video ad is 30 seconds.
  • Video File Types: Google Ads accepts MP4 and MOV file types for videos.
  • Video Content: The video ad cannot contain any prohibited content, including adult content, illegal products or services, and misleading content.
  1. Other Restrictions:
  • Ad Destination: The landing page for the ad must be relevant to the ad content and comply with Google’s advertising policies.
  • Prohibited Content: Google Ads has a list of prohibited content that cannot be used in ads. This includes but is not limited to, hate speech, discriminatory content, tobacco and drugs, and adult content.
  1. Facebook:

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the largest social networks worldwide. Facebook Ads is an effective way to reach a larger audience through paid promotion. Here are the image sizes and character limits you’ll need for Facebook Ads:

  1. Text Restrictions:
  • Ad Headline: The maximum number of characters for the ad headline is 40 characters.
  • Ad Text: The maximum number of characters for the ad text is 125 characters.
  • Link Description: The maximum number of characters for the link description is 30 characters.
  1. Image Restrictions:
  • Image Size: The recommended image size for Facebook ads is 1200 x 628 pixels.
  • Text on Image: Facebook has a limit on the amount of text that can appear in an image. Text cannot take up more than 20% of the image’s total area. To check if your image complies with this rule, you can use Facebook’s Text Overlay Tool.
  1. Video Restrictions:
  • Video Size: The recommended video size for Facebook ads is 1280 x 720 pixels.
  • Video Length: The maximum length of a video ad is 240 minutes.
  • Thumbnail: The recommended thumbnail size for video ads is 1200 x 675 pixels.
  1. Other Restrictions:
  • Prohibited Content: Facebook has a list of prohibited content that cannot be used in ads. This includes but is not limited to, hate speech, discriminatory content, tobacco and drugs, and adult content.
  • Landing Page: The landing page for the ad must also comply with Facebook’s advertising policies.
  • Carousel Ads: The recommended size for carousel ads is 1080 x 1080 pixels. The character limit for the headline is 40 characters, and the description limit is 90 characters.
  1. Instagram:

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social network owned by Facebook. With over 1 billion active users, Instagram is a powerful platform for businesses looking to promote their products and services. Here are the image sizes and character limits you’ll need for Instagram:

  1. Text Restrictions:
  • Caption: The maximum number of characters for the caption is 2,200 characters, but only the first three lines are visible in the user’s feed.
  • Hashtags: You can use up to 30 hashtags per post.
  • @ Mentions: You can use up to 20 @ mentions per post.
  1. Image Restrictions:
  • Ad Images: The recommended size for ad images is 1080 x 1080 pixels, 1200 x 628 pixels, or 1080 x 1350 pixels.
  • Image File Types: Instagram accepts JPG and PNG file types for images.
  • Image Content: The ad image cannot contain any prohibited content, including adult content, illegal products or services, and misleading content.
  1. Video Restrictions:
  • Ad Videos: The recommended size for ad videos is 1080 x 1080 pixels or 1080 x 1350 pixels.
  • Video Length: The maximum length of a video ad is 60 seconds.
  • Video File Types: Instagram accepts MP4, MOV, and GIF file types for videos.
  • Video Content: The video ad cannot contain any prohibited content, including adult content, illegal products or services, and misleading content.
  1. Other Restrictions:
  • Ad Destination: The landing page for the ad must be relevant to the ad content and comply with Instagram’s advertising policies.
  • Prohibited Content: Instagram has a list of prohibited content that cannot be used in ads. This includes but is not limited to, hate speech, discriminatory content, tobacco and drugs, and adult content.
  1. Reddit:

Reddit is a social news and discussion website. With over 330 million monthly active users, Reddit is a powerful platform for businesses looking to reach a larger audience. Here are the image sizes and character limits you’ll need for Reddit:

  1. Text Restrictions:
  • Headline: The maximum number of characters for the ad headline is 300 characters.
  • Body Copy: The maximum number of characters for the ad body copy is 300 characters.
  1. Image Restrictions:
  • Ad Images: The recommended size for ad images is 1200 x 628 pixels, and the maximum file size is 1 MB.
  • Image File Types: Reddit accepts JPG and PNG file types for images.
  • Image Content: The ad image cannot contain any prohibited content, including adult content, illegal products or services, and misleading content.
  1. Video Restrictions:
  • Ad Videos: The recommended size for ad videos is 1280 x 720 pixels or 640 x 360 pixels.
  • Video Length: The maximum length of a video ad is 15 seconds.
  • Video File Types: Reddit accepts MP4 and MOV file types for videos.
  • Video Content: The video ad cannot contain any prohibited content, including adult content, illegal products or services, and misleading content.
  1. Other Restrictions:
  • Ad Destination: The landing page for the ad must be relevant to the ad content and comply with Reddit’s advertising policies.
  • Prohibited Content: Reddit has a list of prohibited content that cannot be used in ads. This includes but is not limited to, hate speech, discriminatory content, tobacco and drugs, and adult content.

In conclusion,

paid promotion on social networks like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit is an effective way to reach a larger audience. To ensure your ads look their best and capture the attention of your target audience, make sure you use the recommended image sizes and character limits for each social network.

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